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Archie McGrool

Lived by the rule

Of the wild, the crazy,

The mad reckless fool.

He’d run down the street

With naught on his feet,

Running the risk

Of deep ridicule.

He’d mix cream and spam

And top it with jam

And eat it all up

While inside a pram.

And on the weekend

He’d polish his head

With butter and pork

Then go back to bed.

I’ll tell you why Archie

Acted this way

He was pecked by a starling

Early one May.

While walking along,

Calm as can be,

Down came the starling

From an oak tree.

‘Away with ye bird,’

Cried Archie ablaze

When pecked on the head

And left in a daze.

‘Away with you!

You mad Scottish fool,’

Squawked the bird as it soared

Away from McGrool.

‘Ye mad feathered fiend!’

Poor Archie screamed,

‘Ye’ve broken ma head

And caused it to bleed!’

‘I do not care!’

Screeched the bird with disdain.

'If you walk ‘neath my tree,

I’ll do it again!’

‘What makes this tree

Your tree indeed?

You’re just a bird!’

Archie crossly decreed.

‘I’ll tell you quite plainly,’

The starling did shout,

‘Why this tree is mine

Without any doubt.

For year after year,

At the onset of spring,

I've packed my bags

And taken to wing.

I've crossed over mountains

And skimmed mighty seas,

Tackled tornadoes,

Been so cold I could freeze.

I've hidden from hunters,

Both man and beast,

Avoided becoming a

Small bony feast.

After all that, I had to recall,

The tree I called home,

Through summer and fall.

I travelled first east,

Then jigged to the west,

And only at sundown

Did I get any rest.

And then come the dawn,

With cold frosty breath,

I would take to the wing

In search of this nest.

So don't you tell me,

You miserable ape,

That I can't defend

This home that I've made.'

Archie McGrool stared at the bird

And considered the tale

That he had just heard.

In all of his life

He had never known

Of such trials, such terrors,

As this bird had flown.

'I'm sorry,' he said.

'Forgive ma mad rave.

I would never have shouted

At someone so brave.

From this day on,

I give ye ma word,

I shall not annoy ye,

Nor your nest disturb.'

And with a salute

Archie went on his way,

A much-changed man

Since that fateful day.

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