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Penguins, on the face of it,

Seem to be pretty dim,

They cannot fly, they live on ice,

And all they do is swim.

Yet no one knows the secret,

So far to be unfurled,

That penguins are the leaders

Of the entire modern world.


Penguins invented ice cream,

Spaghetti and brown bread,

They found the cause of gravity

By falling on their heads.

They developed electricity,

Converted steam to power,

And noticed the delights

Of cheese with cauliflower.


The fine details of

First class mail

Were a penguin discovery,

Along with kites,

The Isle of Wight,

And the invention of the key.



They found one May

While fishing by the moon.

But better than that,

They created the cat,

The car and the

Hot air balloon.


Their genius was without end,

They made Brazil in one weekend;

The compact disc and DVD,

The telephone, the library,

The motor car and rattlesnake,

(the last of those was some mistake!)

The book, the rook, the letter Q,

The piano and the cockatoo;

All of these were penguin plans

Passed off as something made by man.


And here is something you don’t know,

That penguins don’t just live in snow.

The man next door who’s sinister,

The President,

The Prime Minister,

The butcher who sells all the pies,

Are all just penguins in disguise.


So next time when you watch TV

And see the penguins in the sea,

Remember this for all you’re worth,

It’s the penguin race that rules the earth.

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