It's an odd one, poetry. Along with abstract art (and I include the freakiness of modern sculpture in this, which I have tried to understand), it is probably among the most divisive of the arts. It is extraordinarily personal, it is elusive, it is exclusive, and by that, I mean that it can exclude the reader from the experience, and it is associated with elitism, with the drug-infused, self-indulgent loutishness of the romantic poets and with modern poets who seem to wallow in their obscurity and their deliberate desire to confound the reader. It is regarded as too clever by half, too smug, too out there. What is the writer to do? They must strike a balance between the expression of their feelings and the need for others to understand, either for commercial reasons or because they have something that they desperately wish to communicate. It is difficult to write and often even more difficult to understand, but with effort on both the writer's and reader's parts, it can be rewarding.